Prescriptions, Over the Counters, and Herbal Supplements, Oh MY!


If you have more than five prescriptions, medications, over the counter drugs, vitamins or other supplements, that you take every day, you should request a medication review.

When was the last time someone took a good, hard look at the pills you’re taking every day?

We’ve partnered with pharmacists in the area to examine your current medication regimen, evaluate what you’re taking, and make recommendations for how to improve your health through changes.  A medication review is more than just answering your questions as you pick up your prescriptions.  The goal is to answer all of your questions about your medications or conditions, and how each medication can help you better manage your overall health.

Anyone using more than five prescription, medications, over the counter drugs, vitamins, or other supplements, should request a medication review.  However, you may also need a review if you:

  • Have multiple health conditions
  • Use multiple pharmacies
  • Have questions or problems with your medications
  • Have recently been hospitalized or visited the emergency room
  • Have recently changed medications
  • You still have questions about your medications or conditions that weren’t answered at your last visit

A medication review at Alliance Health is available at no-cost to you and may also:

  • Lower your medication costs
  • Decrease your trips to the emergency room or stays in the hospital
  • Identify interactions, unnecessary medications, and side effects
  • Increase your understanding of how to take your medications
  • Help you better manage your health conditions such as diabetes, COPD, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, depression, or blood clots

As a part of the medication review, the pharmacist will need to know all of the medications, vitamins, and supplements you are taking – not just the ones you can recall from memory.

Use this checklist to make sure you’re prepared:

  • All of your Prescription Bottles
  • All over the counter medications
  • All vitamins and supplements

For more questions or to schedule your medication review, call our Alliance Health office nearest you (link to locations page).